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Arts, Antique, Asian, Jewelry Auction

Catalog November 19th and 20th 2024

select on category:

  • All
  • Art Nouveau/Art
  • Art Nouveau/Art Deco
  • Bloedkoraal
  • Boeken en prenten
  • Chinees porselein en Aziatica
  • Design
  • Europees aardewerk en porselein
  • Horloges
  • Juwelen en sieraden
  • Klokken en pendules
  • Meubelen
  • Munten en penningen
  • Religieus
  • Schilderijen, sculpturen en kunst
  • Varia
  • Zilverwerk

select on session:

  • All
  • Session 1 10:00 h lots 1000 to 3891
  • Session 2 10:00 h lots 7000 to 8161



A Large Collection of Carved Wood Bases

In a variety of sizes.
Estimate: € 200 - € 400
Startprice: € 140

A Diverse Collection of Porcelain

A variety of items, including 18th Century, small teapot with cover is 12 cm. tall, in diverse conditions.
Estimate: € 160 - € 300
Startprice: € 100

A Pair of Famille Rose Plates

Floral decor, 18th Century, 22 cm. in diameter, hairline and fritting.
Estimate: € 240 - € 500
Startprice: € 160

A Pair of Famille Rose Rooster Plates

Depicting roosters and flowers, 24 cm. in diameter.
Estimate: € 100 - € 200
Startprice: € 60

A Series of 4 Blue and White Plates

Landscape decor, 20 cm. in diameter, chip and hairline.
Estimate: € 350 - € 700
Startprice: € 220

A Series of 3 Blue and White Plates

Depicting flowers and rocks in a garden with gilt accents, 18th Century, 23 cm. in diameter, chip and hairline.
Estimate: € 100 - € 200
Startprice: € 60

A Pair of Cups and Saucers

Depicting a scene in a garden with Chinese hunters on horseback, saucers are 11 cm. in diameter, chip and hairline.
Estimate: € 280 - € 550
Startprice: € 180

A Blanc de Chine Quanyin

18th Century, 22 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 750 - € 1500
Startprice: € 500

A Famille Rose Dish

Depicting a bird with peonies and butterflies, 29 cm. in diameter, 19th Century, 29 cm. in diameter.
Estimate: € 180 - € 350
Startprice: € 120

An Imari Shaving Bowl

Decorated with flowers in iron red, blue and gilt enamels, 18th Century, 32 cm., fritting and hairline.
Estimate: € 160 - € 300
Startprice: € 100

A Blue and White Charger

Landscape decor, 18th Century, 42 inches in diameter, chip.
Estimate: € 300 - € 600
Startprice: € 200

A Collection of Porcelain

A variety of items including plates and gravy boat, some 18th Century, gravy boat is 19 cm. long, in diverse conditions.
Estimate: € 280 - € 550
Startprice: € 180

A Series of 6 Blue and White Plates

A variety of decors, including 18th Century, 23 cm. in diameter, chip.
Estimate: € 180 - € 350
Startprice: € 120

A Blue and White Armorial Charger

Coat of arms with crown depicting Chinese figures in garden, Qianlong Period, 42 cm. in diameter, chip and hairline.
Estimate: € 450 - € 900
Startprice: € 300

A Lot of 2 Mandarin Famille Rose Plates

Depicting gatheriing of Chinese figures, Qianlong Period, 22 cm. in diameter, hairline.
Estimate: € 450 - € 900
Startprice: € 300

A Cantonese Vase

Decorated with Chinese antiquities in Famille Rose enamels, 19th Century, 61 cm. tall, restoration on rim.
Estimate: € 600 - € 1200
Startprice: € 400

A Pair of Blue and White Plates

Depicting a scene in a garden with flowers and Chinese antiquities, 18th Century, 28 cm. in diameter, fritting.
Estimate: € 160 - € 300
Startprice: € 100

A Cantonese Vase

Depicting Chinese antiquities with peonies and peacocks, 19th Century, 59 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 600 - € 1200
Startprice: € 400

A Pair of Famille Rose Chargers

Depicting fruit in the center of the chargers with sprays of flowers on border, 18th Century, 36 cm. in diameter.
Estimate: € 300 - € 600
Startprice: € 200

A Cantonese Vase

Decorated with Flowers and Buddhist emblems, 19th Century, 43 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 300 - € 600
Startprice: € 200

A Famille Rose Charger

Decorated with peacocks and peonies, 18th Century, 42 cm. in diameter, chip.
Estimate: € 600 - € 1200
Startprice: € 400

A Series of 3 Famille Rose Cups

Floral decor, Yongzheng Period, 7 cm. in diameter, chip and hairline.
Estimate: € 160 - € 300
Startprice: € 100

A Collection of Cups and Saucers

Depicting sea creatures, Kangxi mark, saucers are 14 cm. in diameter, in diverse conditions.
Estimate: € 180 - € 350
Startprice: € 120

A Wu Shuang Pu Cup with Cover

Daoguang mark on cup and cover, 10 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 300 - € 600
Startprice: € 200

A Collection of 6 Cups and Sauers

Floral decor, 18th Century, saucers are 11 cm. in diameter.
Estimate: € 450 - € 900
Startprice: € 300

A 4 Piece Cantonese Garniture Set

Decorated with Chinese figures, birds and butterflies, tallest vase is 21 cm., in diverse conditions.
Estimate: € 160 - € 300
Startprice: € 100

A Blue and White Bowl

Decorated with floral panels, 18th Century, 22 cm. in diameter, chip.
Estimate: € 600 - € 1200
Startprice: € 400

A Pair of Ginger Jars

Dark blue ground decorated with white flower blossoms, 15 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 180 - € 350
Startprice: € 120

A Pair of Ginger Jars

Dark blue ground decorated with white flower blossoms, 18 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 300 - € 600
Startprice: € 200

A Lot of 2 Chinese Sculptures

Depicting Chinese figures holding vases, 16 cm. tall.
Estimate: € 180 - € 350
Startprice: € 120